Famous Kannada actor Yash is celebrating his 39th birthday today. The actor rose to fame in the North with his 2018 film KGF and the actor won over the country with its second part in 2022. Since then the actor has stayed away from the big screens. Nowadays, Yash is in the news for his upcoming film, Toxic. Meanwhile, increasing the excitement of the fans, the makers have released the first look of his movie, which suggests that this time, Yash will be seen in a new avatar on screen. While fans are having a hard time keeping their calm after watching the Toxic teaser, they are also interested in knowing who's playing the female lead in the film. Let us know here!
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
Famous Kannada actor Yash is celebrating his 39th birthday today. The actor rose to fame in the North with his 2018 film KGF and the actor won over the country with its second part in 2022. Since then the actor has stayed away from the big screens. Nowadays, Yash is in the news for his upcoming film, Toxic. Meanwhile, increasing the excitement of the fans, the makers have released the first look of his movie, which suggests that this time, Yash will be seen in a new avatar on screen. While fans are having a hard time keeping their calm after watching the Toxic teaser, they are also interested in knowing who's playing the female lead in the film. Let us know here!
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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