Actor Kartik Aaryan said playing two characters in one movie would seem scary, but if the transition from Veer to Raghu in "Love Aaj Kal" was smooth he credits the film's director Imtiaz Ali for it. The actor feels Ali brings out great performances from actors in his movies.Kartik took to Instagram and shared a still from "Love Aaj Kal", and also a picture of himself along with Ali.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
Actor Kartik Aaryan said playing two characters in one movie would seem scary, but if the transition from Veer to Raghu in "Love Aaj Kal" was smooth he credits the film's director Imtiaz Ali for it. The actor feels Ali brings out great performances from actors in his movies.Kartik took to Instagram and shared a still from "Love Aaj Kal", and also a picture of himself along with Ali.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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