Remembering Rishi Kapoor with 10 powerful dialogues from Bollywood films
Veteran actor Rishi Kapoor, who has enjoyed a huge fan base from every generation, has passed away at the age of 67 in Mumbai. The actor lost his battle with leukemia after two years. While he had returned from New York after his 11-month long treatment last September, his health deteriorated in February once again and was rushed to the hospital. The actor was someone who was known for his dedication towards his work and powerful screen presence. Throughout the years, Rishi Kapoor has entertained the viewers with many diverse roles. While he started as the chocolate boy of the industry, he turned to play negative roles in his later years. His sheer brilliance of dialogue delivery and soul-stirring performances, be it in Kapoor and Sons, Mulk, Prem Rog among others, have always left the audience speechless.

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